1337UPOSINT : Photographs

Task Overview

Can you help us track down this photographer? 📸


1.While Uploading the given challenge file in aperisolve for basic image Analysis such as exif data ,common passwords we can see that it has a Artist Name of fl0pfl0p5

Information Gathering

Username Enumeration:

Upon inspecting the GitHub page, it was observed that there is a link leading to Twitter.

Social Media Analysis

  1. while Analysing the @m4r64r1n3's twitter account , it leads to this tweet

The exploration on Reddit has unveiled a newly identified username, denoted as v1ck1v4l3.

Reddit - just_a_little_bird_picture_i_took


1.When searching for the username on Google, standard queries yield Reddit results. However, refining the search by excluding Reddit reveals additional entries, including those from blogspot.com.

This Blogspot contains only one post, featuring the same image as seen on that Reddit account, and the comments raise concerns about potentially suspicious information regarding the post.

2.Submit the post link to the Wayback Machine to retrieve the data.




Google Dorks
Exif Data
Username Enumeration